Wild Bird Visits Neighbor’s House for His Favorite Sandwich Every Time!

Ravens and other corvids are known for their ability to remember faces. But one raven in Los Angeles, California, named James is defying odds with an extra-special instinct: sandwich recognition.

James’ human neighbor, LouAnne Brickhouse, has been lovingly observing him since 2015, when she and her wife set up a bird bath in their yard. James and his girlfriend, Margaret, inhabited the bath within minutes of it being filled, and they’ve been stopping by the Brickhouses’ place nearly every day since.


An avid wildlife lover, Brickhouse filled food bowls with some of James’ favorite snacks, like fruits and seeds, which he’d normally eat in the wild. The sweet bird enjoyed his treats, sometimes bringing them back to Margaret during mating season, but he seemed to have his eyes on something different.

Whenever Brickhouse made a grilled cheese sandwich, James would always appear at the window moments later.

“We’re not sure how he initially knew what a grilled cheese sandwich was, but we’ve learned never to underestimate his life wisdom,” Brickhouse told The Dodo.


When James finally snagged a small bite of Brickhouse’s grilled cheese one day, he was instantly hooked. Brickhouse continued serving James fruits and seeds, but he was never as enthusiastic about them as he was toward a grilled cheese sandwich.

“He will stalk us around the yard or stare relentlessly through the window if he sees us eating one,” Brickhouse said. “We normally give James only foods he would find in the wild naturally. That said, he does always get a bite of our grilled cheese sandwiches.”


James loves nothing more than scarfing down a small portion of grilled cheese, but the Brickhouses’ delicious offering doesn’t just benefit him. During mating season, James always saves a piece for his love, Margaret.

“He is responsible for all the feeding and hydration of Margaret while she broods their eggs,” Brickhouse said. “James will take the bit of bread, soak it in the fountain until it’s sopping wet, and then fly off to take it to her. It’s his improvised raven version of our human cup.”

You can watch James dunk his grilled cheese sandwich in the fountain here:

After bringing dinner to his girlfriend, James usually settles in for a cozy night’s sleep, then heads straight to the Brickhouses’ place in the morning for breakfast. Of all the houses he could visit with bird feeders, only one has his favorite sandwiches.

And the Brickhouses are happy to have him.

“He definitely has a healthy ego,” Brickhouse said. “His personality is extraordinary and charming.”

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