When rescuers from Brandywine Valley SPCA recently heard there were about 50 animals living cramped and unhappily in a shabby mobile home nearby, the worried animal lovers raced to the scene.

When they arrived, rescuers realized they’d been misinformed. There weren’t 50 animals — there were 76, including 66 puppies and dogs, nine cats, and a parakeet, and they all needed help.

dogs in trailer
Brandywine Valley SPCA

“[They] were all counting on us,” Sara Smith, Brandywine Valley SPCA director of communications, told The Dodo. “It happened so fast.”

Rescuers hastily began securing the animals and transporting them to the SPCA. Luckily, everyone got out safely without incident. The animals were scared and trembling, covered in fleas, many suffering from skin issues. But the nervous group didn’t have to worry anymore — they were finally safe.

man helping dog
Brandywine Valley SPCA

Soon, each animal old enough was spayed or neutered and given vaccines, flea treatment and a full vet check.

Loving foster and forever families generously opened their doors to the pets. In time, almost every animal found a permanent place to live. The parakeet was adopted especially quickly by a local bird expert who had five other birds.

man holding birdcage
Brandywine Valley SPCA

Today, only five dogs and six cats are still at the SPCA, waiting for their families to find them.

brown cats
Brandywine Valley SPCA

Thanks to the tireless dedication of these rescuers, this massive group of pets will lead the comfortable lives they deserve.

To help other animals like these, make a donation to the Brandywine Valley SPCA.