“The Joker” Nikola Jokic: The Adorable Serbian “Giant” Showing Respect for Novak Djokovic!

“The Joker” Nikola Jokic

Although very brave and fierce on the court, Jokic is very humorous and charming, often “playing the role” of the Clown, in everyday life in real life.

That’s why everyone loved him and gave him the nickname “The Joker” (the “blank” card in the Western deck of cards, in Vietnam often called the Phang Teo card, with the image printed on the card being a Jester).

For many American Nuggets fans, it is very difficult to pronounce his last name “Jokic”, but pronouncing the word “Joker” is very easy, so the nickname “The Joker” was quickly adopted by everyone. accepted and loved by Jokic himself, and has a personality very suitable for this nickname.

Jokic’s charming humor

As a fun-loving professional basketball player, Jokic is also known as a loyal man, not promiscuous and promiscuous, and an athlete with a healthy lifestyle very different from many local NBA stars.

To prove his affection for his wife, who is his long-time girlfriend – Natalija Mačešić (the two got married in 2020 and in 2021, they had their beloved daughter Ognjena), “The Joker” often wears a wedding ring. of two people on their shoelaces when stepping onto the field.

He believes that this expression of loyal love will make him play sublimely on the court and in fact, Jokic has many unbelievable jumps and scores from afar, with the power from shoes with wedding rings on them.

Giày đeo nhẫn cưới của Jokic
Jokic’s wedding ring shoes

As a Serbian, Jokic also admires and admires Novak Djokovic, who can be considered his “compatriot in sports”. Jokic, who will also become a Serbian Sports Icon like Djokovic (who also has a similar nickname, Djoker), commented on his tennis senior with great respect…

“He is the Ambassador of Serbia. He is truly an idol for all children in Serbia, not only on the field but also with the things he is doing with his Charity Foundation. He is someone you can look up to and follow. I also want to be like him.”

Jokic rất thần tượng Djokovic
Jokic idolizes Djokovic

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