Taylor Swift was compensated $1 in a double lawsuit against a molester

After reclaiming his honor, the pop superstar announced that he would donate to support victims of sexual abuse.

Recently, American public opinion was stirred when Taylor Swift’s dual lawsuit with David Mueller gradually came to an end. In June 2013, Muller was accused of reaching under the skirt and groping the 27-year-old singer’s butt at a music event at Pepsi Center. Soon after, David was terminated from his $150,000 contract with the radio station where he worked.


The photo presented as evidence shows David Mueller’s hand “in the wrong position” (right)

Angry, in 2015 Mueller filed a lawsuit against Taylor Swift, her mother Andrea Swift and manager Frank Bell, accusing her of defamation and distortion of the truth. This guy demanded compensation of up to 3 million USD (about more than 65 billion VND) with the claim that he only ran his hand across Taylor Swift’s ribs and did not “grab her butt” as she said.


Taylor Swift and mother

In response to this allegation, Taylor also filed a lawsuit against David for abuse. Instead of asking for compensation, the pop singer only asked for a symbolic amount of 1 USD, with the main purpose of reclaiming her honor.

On August 14 local time, after nearly 4 hours of discussion, the 8-person jury, including 6 women and 2 men, unanimously decided to win the case for Taylor Swift and recognized the real David Mueller. committed an act of abuse against the female singer. She will receive the amount of 1 USD as requested.


The blonde singer’s lawyer association

Previously, Mueller’s lawsuit demanding $3 million was also rejected by the court on the grounds that there was no evidence that Swift manipulated the radio station to get him fired.

After receiving the Court’s verdict, Swift happily thanked the jury and hugged the bar team while Mueller kept an expressionless face.


Sketch of Taylor Swift testifying in court against her molester

As soon as she left the courthouse, Taylor Swift promised to donate to a series of charities that help victims of sexual abuse, helping those with little or no power to speak out. protect yourself.

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