Taylor Swift suddenly received an apology


Taylor Swift showed off Katy Perry sending her an apology letter on Instagram.

It is known that Katy’s reconciliation letter was sent to Taylor Swift’s dressing room right before the opening night of Swift’s Reputation tour. In the video, Taylor Swift said: “I just went into my dressing room and saw this olive branch. This means a lot to me.” The “Bad Blood” singer shared that this means a lot to her.

Also in the short video that Taylor shared, part of the letter’s content was revealed. Anyone with sharp eyes can read the words: “Hello old friend. Lately, I’ve been thinking about some misunderstandings in the past that have hurt the feelings between us. I just want to explain everything. I’m really sorry”.

There are reports that, a year ago, the 33-year-old singer also shared that Katy wanted to reconcile the conflict with Taylor Swift. She affirmed on The Thrive Global Podcast: “I am willing to let go of everything up to this point. I forgive and apologize for what I did. I hope she will act like me. I love her very much and always hope the best for her. Taylor Swift is a talented artist.”

Thus, with Katy’s letter just shared by Taylor, it can be seen that the conflict between them has ended after 4 years of living as “enemies”.


Katy Perry and Taylor Swift have been close friends since 2009, but their relationship began to crumble around 2013-2014, when Katy “stole” some dancers on Taylor’s “Red” tour. to perform for his “Prism” tour.

In an interview with Rolling Stone in 2014, Taylor shared that the song “Bad Blood” was about her conflict with Katy. “She did something terrible. We are enemies,” Taylor said. In response, Katy also released the single “Swish Swish” slandering Taylor Swift.

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