Stephen Curry’s Ankle Injury Adds to Warriors’ Woes After Tough Loss to Bulls

Trying to slow down when facing two people at the same time, Stephen Curry looked out to the corner of the field where his teammate Moses Moody was empty.

But before his hands could pass the ball, the Golden State Warriors’ No. 1 star’s supporting leg encountered a problem. A rolled ankle occurred, causing Curry extreme pain, whose screams could be heard clearly on television.

Even though he tried to go around the field to see what the situation was, “chef” Stephen still had to limp off the field with about 4 minutes left in the match. This contributed to the Warriors losing with a score of 122- 125 against the Chicago Bulls at home.

Golden State members do not have any updates on Stephen Curry’s injury situation. Coach Steve Kerr was the only one to speak up, saying that Curry had been soaked in ice to reduce swelling and needed an MRI to determine the severity.

Stephen Curry winced in pain after rolling his ankle. He tried to stay on the field but was unable to continue playing

The absence of Stephen Curry has left a big hole in the Golden State Warriors squad, especially in terms of the spirit of the home team.

Rookie Brandin Podziemski seemed to have some psychological problems when he missed an extremely delicious basket, losing the opportunity to equalize the score with 7 seconds left in the match. Young player Lester Quinones replaced Curry in the final few minutes of the match and did not leave any mark.

On the other side of the field, DeMar DeRozan was too “clutch” in the last 2 minutes. He alone scored 5 points in a row to

Despite losing to the Chicago Bulls today (March 8), the Golden State Warriors are still one of the “hottest” teams in the tournament with 14 wins in 19 matches.

The Warriors’ net-rating index ranked 4th (only defense ranked 5th) in the entire NBA during this period, with Stephen Curry averaging more than 26 points and 5 assists per game.

But the more Golden State flourishes, the more worrying Curry’s injury becomes. Still in the above series of matches, as long as Steph rests, the Warriors’ average number of points scored per 100 times of controlling the ball will decrease from 118 to 107.

Stephen Curry is at the core of the Golden State Warriors’ streak of high performance over the past month

Replacing Stephen Curry is impossible, so coach Steve Kerr’s team will need squad depth to compensate. The positive thing is that the Warriors have been rotating 10-11 players per match recently

“We were once in this position, when he (Stephen Curry – Reporter) stopped playing due to injury. The goal is to use collective strength, trust and solidarity every time we compete “, Klay Thompson shared.

“I know Steph won’t want to miss any games. But we also need to ensure the team’s performance ourselves in case he has to rest. No one wants to force him to come back early.”

This season, Stephen Curry only missed 3 matches and Golden State lost all 3 matches

Considering Stephen Curry’s injury history, every time he has an ankle problem it makes Golden State Warriors fans extremely worried.

Coach Steve Kerr added that Curry is showing signs of both physical and mental overload, evidenced by a recent series of ineffective finishing matches. Therefore, he is willing to pray for perfection so that his favorite student recovers 100% before playing again.

In the next 10 days, the Golden State Warriors will have a pair of home and away matches against the San Antonio Spurs (March 10 and March 12), followed by two consecutive home matches against the Dallas Mavericks (March 14) and Los Angeles Lakers (March 17).

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