Shiba Dogs: Renowned for Their Cheerful Smiles

Uni, 9 months old, is a Shiba Inu dog breed with talking eyes and a sweet smile that makes the other person “melt” as soon as they see it.

‘Boy’ Uni lives with his owner’s family in Tokyo, Japan with a smile always on his face.


Maybe you’re wondering why it smiles so much, it’s because it’s been fed delicious food by its owner. ‘The boy’ is lucky to live in a family where his owner loves him and has many toys. However, the thing that makes Uni happiest is still when she eats delicious food.


Indeed, the puppy can’t stop smiling every time his owner puts something delicious looking in front of him.


Even for a smoothie or a bowl of spaghetti that doesn’t belong to Uni, if he accidentally sees it, the ‘boy’ will smile as wide as possible.


“Uni is not only beautiful because he always smiles”, his owner said, “His short legs and white feet make him look like he’s wearing socks!”.


Despite his bright appearance, Uni is also a good ‘boy’. “He behaves very well and knows he needs to be quieter every time we go out,” his owner added.


“When in public, it is calm, does not bark or run around, making us very satisfied and comfortable every time we go out”.


Speaking of food, the puppy’s owner said he is not picky at all, Uni likes everything, especially potato sticks.

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