As spring rolls in across Southern California, hibernating ground squirrels are waking up one by one, well-rested and hungrier than ever. The tiny creatures scurry from their dens to the closest food source, stuffing themselves with hearty seeds, nuts and fruits. Enjoying their meal in solitude, they take in all the sunlight and sounds they missed while they were away.

But not all their post-hibernation activities are as private as they think. Especially when they’re on LouAnne Brickhouse’s property, where outdoor cameras are strategically placed to capture as many magical wildlife moments as possible.


Brickhouse, who shares clips of her animal visitors on social media as The Daily James, is familiar with her local squirrels’ hibernation patterns. After observing them for over a decade, she’s used to seeing ground squirrels hide when the temperatures get too hot or too cold. And she strategically places foods that will replenish them around the property for when they’re ready.

“California ground squirrels hibernate and estivate in extreme weather conditions,” The Daily James wrote on Instagram. “We haven’t seen them for months. But now they’re [back], and we’ll be sure to always have extra romaine lettuce and carrots in the fridge.”


Brickhouse’s bushy-tailed neighbors are always grateful for her offerings. Because she gives them space and rarely interacts with them, the squirrels feel especially safe on her land. And they often take their time to rest when they stop by.

One groggy ground squirrel recently made his way to Brickhouse’s house immediately after waking up from hibernation. He munched on the fresh snacks she’d left for him on her back deck, and, after scarfing down his first course, the sweet boy celebrated with a much-needed stretch.


After months spent burrowed away in a dark den, the squirrel made the most of his impromptu yoga session, extending his front and back legs until he felt refreshed again. He finished up his post-hibernation stretch and then inhaled another snack before dashing away to his next adventure.

You can watch his adorable stretches here:

Brickhouse continues to keep an eye out for the rest of the hibernating animals who will soon reemerge into the warm sunlight. The wild animals feel fortunate to have a human neighbor as kind and respectful as Brickhouse, but in her eyes, she’s the lucky one.

“We consider them our friends,” Brickhouse wrote on The Daily James’ website. “It is no exaggeration to say these friends have completely changed our lives, taught us how to respect and love, and provided profound insights into our world.”

To keep up with Brickhouse’s backyard visitors, you can follow The Daily James on Instagram and Facebook.