Messi’s Order Leaves Business Owner Speechless

The story took place in December 2023 and immediately caused a stir when it was shared in Argentine media recently. Guillermo Fernandez is the owner of a grill manufacturing company called Labohierro. One day, he suddenly received a text message from Messi, ordering a grill. This text message made Guillermo choked and speechless.

Đơn đặt hàng của Messi khiến chủ doanh nghiệp nghẹn ngào không nói nên lời - Ảnh 1.

Message to order Messi’s grill

“We were frozen and didn’t know what to say. It was an honor to personally make a grill for Messi,” Guillermo said. According to this businessman, he advised Messi’s wife Antonella to choose the most suitable stove. After that, Guillermo and his colleagues made a few changes in the design to suit Messi, such as printing the Argentine superstar’s image on the stove’s body.

Đơn đặt hàng của Messi khiến chủ doanh nghiệp nghẹn ngào không nói nên lời - Ảnh 2.

The grill was made specifically for Messi’s family

Đơn đặt hàng của Messi khiến chủ doanh nghiệp nghẹn ngào không nói nên lời - Ảnh 3.

Messi’s order is said to have saved the Labohierro company

It is known that Guillermo’s Labohierro is facing difficulties because of the gloomy business situation. However, the order from Messi has given the above business more motivation to continue to exist.

“Messi chose a small company like us, among thousands of companies out there. That is a great encouragement for us to continue to maintain our work,” Guillermo said. Having the attention of a star like Messi will certainly increase the company’s reputation significantly, attracting more orders in the future. According to the designer, Labohierro’s following has skyrocketed to 160 thousand.

At this time, the stove was shipped to the US for Messi’s family. The Argentine superstar paid all costs even though Guillermo offered to give it away for free. “I talked to Messi and his wife. Our idol is really humble,” Guillermo added.

Đơn đặt hàng của Messi khiến chủ doanh nghiệp nghẹn ngào không nói nên lời - Ảnh 4.

Messi and his wife Antonella

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