Messi with white hair and beard received the FIFA The Best 2066 award

Hình ảnh Messi trong bài viết của tờ Marca - Ảnh: MARCA
Image of Messi in Marca’s article – Photo: MARCA

The wave of controversy surrounding Messi’s FIFA The Best award still shows no signs of cooling down. He caused the press and public opinion to spend a lot of words to explain the reason for the next noble title in his career.

Recently, the English version of Marca (Spain) newspaper also published a photo predicting the future of the Argentinian superstar. Specifically, the photo has the words “FIFA The Best Award 2066”. Accompanying that is the scene of Messi wearing a vest, white hair and beard, accepting the award.

Fans believe that this action implicitly implies that Messi is always favored by FIFA. Even in his old age, he continued to dominate FIFA The Best.

Under the comment section of the article, netizens were also divided into two opposing camps. Some people think that Messi deserves to receive the award, while others are sarcastic and sarcastic.

“Thank you Marca. You always tell the truth”, account Muhammad Gambo commented.

“That’s right. In 2066, you will continue to be a newspaper for all ages, Marca, cry more!”, another person replied.

“Messi totally deserves it, are you spicy?”, Bellal Talash account said.

As expected of many people, the article quickly received a huge amount of interaction. Out of 16,000 reactions, there were 14,000 haha expressions. And this number will certainly continue to increase in the next few days.

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