Lost Dog Spotted Carrying Food Down the Street in Storm Harvey Area

In a reminder that both humans and animals are affected by Hurricane Harvey, one was spotted walking on the street in Sinton, Texas carrying a large bag of food in his mouth.

According to Tiele Dockins, who posted the photo on Facebook, the dog – named Otis – was soon reunited with his owner. But many others are not so lucky.

Organizations like the Houston SPCA and Austin Pets Alive! are on the ground saving lives, and they are asking for help providing the money, foster homes and supplies they need to care for the hundreds of animals that fill their shelter. Likewise, the American Red Cross is asking for assistance in their massive human hurricane relief efforts.


Thankfully, Otis didn’t become another animal made homeless – or killed – by the flood. During any emergency like Hurricane Harvey, both humans and animals have their lives turned upside down.

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