Kitty Caper: Cat Pilfers Slippers, Owner Launches Facebook Group for Amusing Payback

A cat in Pennsylvania has made its owner “miserable” because every morning he brings home several pairs of both shoes and sandals, currently more than 50 pairs in total.


Not hunting or angering dogs like other cats, the Jordan cat (in Pennsylvania, USA) has “devoted his whole life to his career” of stealing neighbors’ slippers, leaving his owner struggling to find a way. give them back their sandals.


Earlier this month, BJ Ross (owner of Jordan the cat) created a Facebook group to address this dirty habit of his cat. The 6kg black and white cat regularly goes out at night and returns home with a trophy in its jaws.


The owner said that every morning he sees Jordan bringing home several pairs of shoes/slippers.


And the current number has reached 50 pairs…


Jordan looked very proud of his trophy.


Ross wrote in the group: “If you know my cat Jordan, you also know he loves to bring shoes home!”.

After learning about Jordan’s secret life, its owner placed a device to track the movements of this ‘thief’. According to GPS, Jordan cats ‘act’ within a relatively wide territory, including neighboring houses.


Even a house is ‘visited’ many times. Maybe it’s because Jordan likes to give his owners complete pairs, but because he’s a cat, he can only spare one shoe at a time.


He traveled 7-8 miles (about 12km) a night just to complete a new mission.

To “accuse” his cat, Ross even installed a security camera in the back to collect more evidence. This owner also discussed Jordan’s sins in the group with everyone.

Ms. Ross hopes social networks will help return shoes to her neighbors and thereby make Jordan famous. Now the whole world knows about Jordan and his cat’s shenanigans.

Jordan is a lucky thief, because after discovering it, people not only took precautions but also loved this cat even more. From now on, every time a shoe is lost, the neighbors will come to Ross’s house and look for them in Jordan’s collection.

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