Family Investigates Doorbell Cam to Uncover Culprit Behind Christmas Decor Vandalism

This year, Julia Lang’s parents went all out for Christmas — decorating the front of their home with numerous pieces of holiday decor. And at the center of it all was a large, multi-pointed star ornament hanging majestically over the main entryway.

Well, until it wasn’t.

The other day, Lang’s parents were evidently hit by some suspected Grinch who’d targeted that cherished ornament.

“My dad went outside and saw that his star was shattered on the ground,” Lang told The Dodo. “So, he pulled up the Ring camera to see if it caught anything … and it did!”

The culprit:

Footage of the incident shows a local squirrel inexplicably leaping from a flagpole out front directly onto the ornamental star, sending it crashing down.

It appeared to be a deliberate act by the fluffy-tailed vandal — who returned shortly after to admire his work:

Despite having caught the squirrel in the act, Lang’s parents have no hard feelings. And fortunately, the pieces of the ornament were easily reassembled.

No harm, no foul. It’s Christmastime, after all.

“The squirrel was just living his best life and tried to land amongst the stars,” Lang said. “Thankfully, the little guy lives to tell the tale.”

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