Admire Her or Not, Taylor Swift’s Life Is a Picture of Perfection!

Taylor Swift – a star loved by millions of people, but also hated by millions. But no matter how much she hates it, everyone has to admit that Taylor possesses so many things that people dream of in life. Beauty, money, reputation, love, relatives, friends,… she has everything. Sometimes I have to wonder: Was Taylor Swift in her previous life the Wonder Woman who saved the world, so this life is so lucky?

Beautiful, long legs, perfect figure

Beautiful appearance is clearly something that not everyone is lucky to have. Yet God gave Taylor Swift so much beauty. From her pretty face, slim figure, 1m80 height to long legs like a supermodel, that alone makes everyone secretly jealous: “I wish I could be like her!”.

Thừa nhận đi, dù ghét Taylor Swift thì bạn vẫn ước có cuộc sống hoàn hảo như nữ hoàng của cô ấy! - Ảnh 1.
Thừa nhận đi, dù ghét Taylor Swift thì bạn vẫn ước có cuộc sống hoàn hảo như nữ hoàng của cô ấy! - Ảnh 2.
Thừa nhận đi, dù ghét Taylor Swift thì bạn vẫn ước có cuộc sống hoàn hảo như nữ hoàng của cô ấy! - Ảnh 3.
Thừa nhận đi, dù ghét Taylor Swift thì bạn vẫn ước có cuộc sống hoàn hảo như nữ hoàng của cô ấy! - Ảnh 4.

Undeniably beautiful face

Thừa nhận đi, dù ghét Taylor Swift thì bạn vẫn ước có cuộc sống hoàn hảo như nữ hoàng của cô ấy! - Ảnh 5.

Photos with bare faces can’t hide her beauty

Thừa nhận đi, dù ghét Taylor Swift thì bạn vẫn ước có cuộc sống hoàn hảo như nữ hoàng của cô ấy! - Ảnh 7.
Thừa nhận đi, dù ghét Taylor Swift thì bạn vẫn ước có cuộc sống hoàn hảo như nữ hoàng của cô ấy! - Ảnh 8.

Her figure and legs are like a Victoria’s Secret supermodel

Even the flaw of a modest bust has now been improved by Taylor. Many reports say that she relied on the doctor’s help to have her full breasts today. Now no one dares to criticize Taylor for being “flat” anymore!

Thừa nhận đi, dù ghét Taylor Swift thì bạn vẫn ước có cuộc sống hoàn hảo như nữ hoàng của cô ấy! - Ảnh 9.
Thừa nhận đi, dù ghét Taylor Swift thì bạn vẫn ước có cuộc sống hoàn hảo như nữ hoàng của cô ấy! - Ảnh 10.

Snake Queen is now so hot

Talented, smarter than others

Singing as well as an angel is one thing, but Taylor Swift also has an admirable talent for composing music. All of her life’s songs – from “Blank Space”, “Love Story” to “You Belong With Me”,… everything was composed or co-written by Taylor. On stage, she also plays musical instruments herself in live performances. That alone, without discussing 10 Grammy awards or other achievements and records, is enough to prove Taylor’s natural musical talent.

Taylor Swift’s amazing performance at the pre-Grammy rehearsal

Talent is not enough, Taylor’s intelligence helps that talent be recognized even more. Her father worked as a financial advisor and her mother worked as a marketing director, so it’s no wonder that Taylor inherited the acumen of a businessman. She herself is an “impresario” who always sets wise strategies for her career. These include the strategy of shifting from country music to pop, fixing the album release time to compete for the Grammy Award and sell the most records.

To talk about Taylor Swift’s marketing talent, there are countless examples. But a typical example is when she cooperated with Papa John’s pizza company to boost sales of the album “Red”. When “Red” was first released, fans could buy Papa John’s pizza along with… a music album for a total price of 14 USD. And this is the first time a singer has carried out a campaign like this.

Thừa nhận đi, dù ghét Taylor Swift thì bạn vẫn ước có cuộc sống hoàn hảo như nữ hoàng của cô ấy! - Ảnh 12.

No singer has ever boosted album sales with… pizza like Taylor Swift

Not to mention, “Red” sold in each store has a different version. Buy “Red” at Walmart and you get a new set of photos of Taylor and handwritten lyrics. At Target, you can buy the deluxe version of “Red” with some bonus songs on the album, which the regular version doesn’t have. That way, a die-hard Taylor fan can buy more than one “Red” album at different stores.

And what about the results? “Red” sold 1.21 million copies in its first week in the US, becoming the best-selling album of 2012, as well as the country music album with the highest sales in a week. It can only be said that Taylor Swift is very good, good at both singing and marketing.

Or just through the MV “Look What You Made Me Do” just released, people can also see how sharp and profound Taylor Swift is. It’s just a music video, but it contains so many hidden messages, both “slashing” enemies, mocking the media, and showing true personality without using any obscene words. Best of all, Taylor was able to “curse” his enemies and fill his pockets with money.

Being rich without needing a tycoon

Oh of course, beauty + talent + intelligence = money! With the gifts given by God, Taylor Swift has turned them all into her current huge fortune. Her income even increases every year, from tens of millions of dollars to hundreds of millions of dollars.

Taylor Swift’s ability to make money is also a statement of modern feminism: Why look for a tycoon or a prince, when you can become a queen yourself? As expected, Taylor’s 2016 income reached 170 million USD (nearly 3,800 billion VND) – holding the number 1 position in the celebrity world, equal to the income of Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo combined.

Thừa nhận đi, dù ghét Taylor Swift thì bạn vẫn ước có cuộc sống hoàn hảo như nữ hoàng của cô ấy! - Ảnh 14.

Why rely on men, when you are superior to even the most famous men in the world?

Only in her early twenties, according to Forbes magazine, Taylor Swift’s assets in 2017 amounted to 280 million USD (6,300 billion VND). But in the end, this is just a speculative number, but it is impossible to know exactly how high the money in her account has increased!

To better imagine how rich Taylor Swift is, just take a look at her real estate collection.

Villa worth 27.9 million USD (630 billion VND) in Beverly Hills:

Penthouse 20 million USD (more than 450 billion VND) in New York:

Villa worth 17 million USD (more than 380 billion VND) in Rhode Island:

Villa worth 2.5 million USD (more than 56 billion VND) in Nashville:

Villa worth 3.97 million USD (more than 90 billion VND) in Beverly Hills:

Penthouse 1.99 million USD (more than 45 billion VND) in Nashville:

Wear the most gorgeous outfits

If you are a woman, especially someone who loves fashion, then this is the thing you need to be most jealous of Snake Queen! Let’s take a look at the dresses, accessories and shoes that make you scream: I want to be reincarnated as Taylor Swift!

Thừa nhận đi, dù ghét Taylor Swift thì bạn vẫn ước có cuộc sống hoàn hảo như nữ hoàng của cô ấy! - Ảnh 21.

Thừa nhận đi, dù ghét Taylor Swift thì bạn vẫn ước có cuộc sống hoàn hảo như nữ hoàng của cô ấy! - Ảnh 21.

Thừa nhận đi, dù ghét Taylor Swift thì bạn vẫn ước có cuộc sống hoàn hảo như nữ hoàng của cô ấy! - Ảnh 21.
Thừa nhận đi, dù ghét Taylor Swift thì bạn vẫn ước có cuộc sống hoàn hảo như nữ hoàng của cô ấy! - Ảnh 21.

Thừa nhận đi, dù ghét Taylor Swift thì bạn vẫn ước có cuộc sống hoàn hảo như nữ hoàng của cô ấy! - Ảnh 21.

Date all handsome guys

You call Taylor Swift a flirt? But let’s be honest, if you were a One Direction fan, would you want to go on a date with Harry Styles hand in hand in the park? If you are a Twilight fan, do you want to lean on Taylor Lautner’s sturdy chest? If you are an EDM fan, do you want to nestle next to the 1m97 tall guy Calvin Harris at the most exciting parties in the world? And if you’re a Marvel fan, you want to sit even more on the lap of “Loki” Tom Hiddleston whispering words of love. And guess who got to experience it all? Taylor Swift – the most jealous girl on earth.

Thừa nhận đi, dù ghét Taylor Swift thì bạn vẫn ước có cuộc sống hoàn hảo như nữ hoàng của cô ấy! - Ảnh 22.

She doesn’t lack money, so Taylor Swift’s criteria for a boyfriend are “simple”: Handsome like a prince and chased by millions of fan girls. Men can flirt all they want, why isn’t Miss Swift allowed? She broke up with this person and then fell in love with someone else. She didn’t steal her husband or have an affair. In the end, it’s just discrimination against women and jealousy from people’s mouths. But for Taylor, it’s okay, people can just “eat GATO cake”, and let Taylor worry about falling in love with handsome guys! If you blame her, blame her for being so beautiful and attractive.

Thừa nhận đi, dù ghét Taylor Swift thì bạn vẫn ước có cuộc sống hoàn hảo như nữ hoàng của cô ấy! - Ảnh 23.

Joe Alwyn – the newest handsome boy in Queen Swift’s “harem”.

Having family and friends is a strong support system

Of course, a perfect life cannot lack family – a place to return to. From childhood to adulthood, Taylor Swift was fortunate to receive support and guidance from both her parents. Although there were many rumors that Taylor’s parents had a broken relationship, up to now, they have always stood by to help their daughter in her career and life.

The relationship between Taylor and his younger brother Austin is also very close. Through all the scandals, she always received support and enthusiastic defense from her younger brother.

Thừa nhận đi, dù ghét Taylor Swift thì bạn vẫn ước có cuộc sống hoàn hảo như nữ hoàng của cô ấy! - Ảnh 24.

Taylor is fortunate to have a very close-knit family

As for friends, Taylor also has close friendships with childhood friends and many friends in showbiz. No matter how much Taylor is criticized by the public, she always finds comfort and encouragement from her close friends Abigail Anderson, Selena Gomez, Gigi Hadid, and Karlie Kloss. Ed Sheeran,… Let’s ask, who doesn’t dream of being both rich and famous, but also having such good family and friends?

Strong and decisive personality

Her appearance is feminine and “cheeky”, but compared to other young stars, Taylor Swift is the “hardest” girl. From Lindsay Lohan, Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus to Selena Gomez, they all collapsed one after another, some falling due to the pressure of fame, some suffering from heartbreak. But what about Taylor Swift? Without turning to alcohol or drugs, she turned all her emotions into music, which then turned into money. If put on a comparison scale, Taylor’s solution is clearly the best.

Thừa nhận đi, dù ghét Taylor Swift thì bạn vẫn ước có cuộc sống hoàn hảo như nữ hoàng của cô ấy! - Ảnh 26.

Her strength is also shown in her daring to stand up and demand justice for other artists before Apple Music’s music streaming service. Or like the lawsuit with DJ David Mueller, Taylor completely boldly responded to the sexual abuser by suing to the end. She even only asked for compensation of 1 USD (22,000 VND) to prove that the only thing Taylor needs is justice!

Strong in life and decisive in love. There is no such thing as breaking up today and reuniting tomorrow. Once the “queen” has decided to break up, it means everything is over and she is looking for new happiness. It may sound cold, but isn’t being decisive like Taylor the best thing? If you’re not happy together, holding on will only make you more miserable.

As for enemies and jealous haters, Taylor is even tougher. No snarky words or criticism can penetrate her thick layer of “armor”. Call Taylor a snake? Taylor will turn into a real snake and make an adorable MV. If this isn’t the toughest girl in showbiz, then I don’t know who is tougher!

Thừa nhận đi, dù ghét Taylor Swift thì bạn vẫn ước có cuộc sống hoàn hảo như nữ hoàng của cô ấy! - Ảnh 27.

Finally, Taylor Swift’s strong spirit is truly admirable

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