A Mother’s Selfless Act: Concealing Modest Earnings to Spare Child from Worries

Draymond Green Talks About How He Found Out About His Mother’s Poverty: “My mother was making $17,000 a year.” I was not allowed to see it by her.

My mother was earning $17k annually... She refused to allow me to see it

Draymond Green is one of the NBA players who has achieved the greatest success in the last 20 years. Because of his play style, attitude, and energy on the court, Green has become a favorite among Golden State Warriors supporters in addition to accepting his villainous role against opponents.

My mother was earning $17k annually... She refused to allow me to see it

Like many athletes, Draymond grew up in a modest household and therefore gained an appreciation for the little things in life. Despite a challenging journey, he persisted and made it to the NBA, where he was able to join the perfect team and improve as a player.

My mother was earning $17k annually... She refused to allow me to see it

It wasn’t until he was an adult that he discovered Green’s mother had previously struggled with money. He is incredibly wealthy right now and is still working to expand his empire and wealth.

Draymond Green was shocked to discover how destitute his mother was.

My mother was earning $17k annually... She refused to allow me to see it

On the Checc’n In Podcast, Draymond recently talked about the issues his mother dealt with when he was growing up. According to Green, he never felt like it even though he had everything a person could ask for and his circumstances didn’t seem as dire as they actually were (14:33).

My mother was earning $17k annually... She refused to allow me to see it

Returning to thoughts of my mother, I want to express my profound gratitude towards her. In our childhood, she would candidly tell us, ‘I know. We’re facing financial challenges. Stop asking; we can’t afford it.’ Despite our economic constraints, what’s remarkable is that I never truly felt the weight of poverty. We had a home, electricity, and running water. Admittedly, the utilities occasionally faced disconnection, but my mother ensured they were promptly restored.

Upon entering the NBA during my rookie season, my accountant suggested claiming my mother as a dependent on my taxes. It was then that I inquired about her income. To my surprise, my mother’s annual salary was a mere $17,000. It was a revelation that left me astounded – we had indeed struggled financially, a reality she had shielded me from all along.

Discovering the adeptness with which my mother had concealed our financial struggles for so many years was a jolting revelation for me. Mary Babers, through careful financial management, had masterfully painted an illusion of comfort for her son. The magnitude of their difficulties only truly dawned on me then, realizing the challenges of subsisting on such limited income.

On a positive note, my journey in the NBA propelled me into a realm where I earned millions annually, enabling me to provide robust support to my mother and family. Beyond basketball, my investments in various enterprises have further augmented my financial stability, and it seems this trajectory is set to continue. Life, as I’ve come to understand, unfolds in mysterious and unpredictable ways.

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