A disqualifying moment in the NBA: Player Kicks Opponent’s Head, Leading to Immediate Disqualification

Josh Hart, a former Los Angeles Lakers player currently playing for the New York Knicks, is a defender who, although not in good shape, always plays extremely fiercely.

His value is demonstrated through his playing style that is not afraid of contact, and can defend taller players well with spirit and enthusiasm. However, Hart just had an overzealous action that caused him to be immediately disqualified.

Josh Hart swung his leg and hit his opponent’s head and was disqualified

At the end of the first half of the match between the New York Knicks and Chicago Bulls, Josh Hart broke into the basket but had the ball knocked out of his hands. On the way to the ground, the player born in 1995 swung his leg out and accidentally kicked opposing player Javonte Green in the head. The collision left Green lying on the ground and stunned.

Review the situation where Josh Hart swung his leg and hit Javonte Green in the head

The referees immediately stopped the match to review the situation through a slow camera angle. Without wasting much time, the referee team decided to penalize Josh Hart for a level 2 flagrant foul (flagrant-2), immediately disqualifying the New York Knicks player.

“Regardless of whether it was accidental or intentional, this is an action unrelated to basketball, both unnecessary and dangerous to the opponent. That’s why we decided to blow a level 2 foul,” referee Scott Foster explained about Hart’s disqualification.

Another camera angle of Josh Hart’s leg swing

This ball caused Josh Hart to “shower early” and New York lost an important pillar, contributing to the Knicks’ collective defeat.

At the same time, the collision seemed to energize Javonte Green for the rest of the match. The Bulls player reached career-high milestones in two different metrics, ending the game with 25 points and 13 rebounds.

In the NBA this season, quite a few rough shots leading to expulsion have appeared. In the case of Josh Hart, the tournament board will review the situation again to determine whether he accidentally or intentionally “kicked” the opponent’s head.

In case of intentionality, Josh Hart will definitely be subject to additional punishment, specifically suspension from the next matches.

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